
Monday, August 25, 2008

patience should no longer be a virtue.

why should i be looked down upon just because i'm having a hard time waiting? i've never looked down on someone because they're pushing people out of the way to get to a toilet in time. sure, i laugh at them. i laugh hard (especially when the person running is my little sister Grace, because it happens to her more often than anyone else i know. she's like the michael phelps of having to pee NOW.).

i can see when the inability to wait can be a problem. people get a little crazy on Black Friday (the day after thanksgiving), and red lights are meant to be stopped at, no matter how clear you think it is. in fact, i respect patient people - mostly because i am not one. i can never understand why they're willing to get in the long line at the store or why they want to drive under (YIKES!) the speed limit. more power to them. however...

i am having a hard time waiting. the end of my time at advent (my current job) is near, and I have nothing lined up. that's right. nothing. i am wanting answers. my friends are wanting answers. this was a unique weekend for me in the way that i got to see a lot of people i usually don't talk to. i was in a friend's wedding, i saw some out-of-town relatives, and i saw a lot of people at church i hadn't seen in a while. they all asked the same question, "so, what are you up to these days?" my answer? "i don't know." it was not a satisfying answer to give, nor was it a satisfying answer for them to hear.

i am quickly running out of patience. please pray that God will give me a little boost. even better, pray that i will get an ANSWER! i think i'd rather have the latter...

1 comment:

Robert said...


I wonder why it is that when we are camping and see a deer or some other animal, we can be still for hours just to see a critter? Or why is it when were fishing... we can sit patiently and wait just for a bite... But yet we struggle so much in our daily lives for just a little patience? I believe it's the sense of wonder and anticipation that keeps us still and waiting at these times. I feel your pain brother.... I want what I want ...and I want it NOW! Fortuntely, we are being molded each day by His grace and mercy, that finding the place of trust in Jesus' timing produces so much better fruit than what I have in mind. Have you ever been screaming down the freeway to an appointment or meeting and passed a highway patrol officer on the side of the road? Isn't it funny how we don't even think about our reason for going so fast... just our need to follow the law and whether we're gonna get a ticket? So we slow down and really make an effort to mind our speed! Waiting on God and his timing is NEVER returned void, and HE's watching like from the side of the road to ensure we follow His plan and not our own! We are and will be praying for you Bro!
In Christ!
